ID NumberNameGenderMotherProbable SireDate ReportedComments
202401YumaMHataaliiOrlandoBorn: 4/9/2024 - Dec: 5/25/2024The first foal of 2024 was born to the mare, Hataalii, in a remote area of Sykes Ridge. His name was chosen with the connection to his mother's name and the area of the Navajo nation. The only indication of Yuma's loss is that he just wasn't seen with his mother.
202402YalenoMSilver BowNodin/NavigatorBorn: 4/13/2024 - Dec: 4/25/2024Yaleno is Silver Bow's second offspring with the stallion, Nodin/Navigator. Like his mother and his older brother, Vogager, Yaleno is a beautiful blue roan. His name is Northern European for "Shining Light" which is a close equivalent to the importance of blue roans in Crow beliefs (information courtesy of Tim McCleary, Little Big Horn College, Crow Agency, MT).
202403YaraFPilarStillwater4/14/2024The mare, PIlar, joined with the stallion, Stallwater, shortly after the birth of her daughter, Wildfire, in 2022. The mother/daughter pair stayed with Stillwater until July 2023. By this point, the then-pregnant mare, joined Chief Joseph, Nimbus/Encore, and Xacara. It was a great thrill to see the new foal born with her sire's sorrel-based color. She was named Yara in honor of her sire, Stillwater. Yara is a name that means Water Lady or Lady of the Lake.
202404YohannaFPhantomOglalaBorn: 4/20/2024 Dec: 11/8/2024What a surprise to see another bright sorrel-colored filly born to Phantom. This 2024 filly has been named Yohanna, which means God is Gracious. The name goes well with her sister...Unity and Grace.
202405YgritteFGalenaQuaidBorn: 4/22/2024 - Dec: 6/1/2024When we first saw this little black filly, she was zooming arund in circles around her mother, Galena. The name, Ygritte, comes from a Game of Thrones character. This character is one of the Free Folks, also known as wildlings. It is so appropriate for the wild spirit of this Pryor foal. The name is pronounced like the bird "egret." This is a nice connection as this little black filly is the great-granddaughter of Phoenix, named for the mighty, mythical bird.
202406YodelerMUkulele LilJesse James4/23/2024Ukulele LIl has had big change in her life in April 2024. She is now the mother of a young foal with a strong face marking. The little one has been named Yodeler to go along with the mare's musical name. The foal and her mother were seen with the stallion, Garcia. This is such a change for Ukulele Lil has she has pretty much been with her sire her whole life.
202407YejaFNiobraraQuanahBorn: 4/25/2024 Dec: 6/10/2024This pretty little dun filly is the third offspring of Niobrara. She has been named Yeja (yay-zha) which is Native American for either “being” or “gift” both associated with children.
202408YosemiteMQuintasketQuaid4/27/2024Yosemite was the second foal born into Quaid’s band in 2024. He was born to the mare, Quintasket, but got his looks from his sire. Both father and son are black with a large star and small snip.
202409YataheyUNiyahaOro4/28/2024A foal was seen with the mare, Niyaha, on April 28, 2024. The distance made it difficult to get any details of the foal other than its black color. Eventually, it was decided to name the foal, Yatahey, a version of the Navaho, yáʼátʼééh, which is a traditional greeting which translates as “it is good.” Yatahey is Niyaha’s first foal. The foal’s probable sire is the bay roan stallion, Oro.
202410YagoMUmatillaPax4/30/2024This grullo foal is the son of Umatilla and Pax. Unfortunately, Pax died in a tragic accident this winter. However, his son bears a strong resemblance to him with the grullo color and strong primitive markings. The foal was named Yago which means “supplanter.” A supplanter is one who takes the place of. This is a very special tribute to his sire, Pax.
202411YellowstoneMPegasusMissoula5/2/2024It was a matter of time until we used the name, “Yellowstone” for a 2024 foal. When this foal was born and showed that strong resemblance to his sire, Missoula, we know it was time. Montana and Wyoming share the iconic national park and the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range. Missoula is a city in Montana. It is a perfect fit for this blaze-faced, sorrel foal.
202412YellowtailMFeldsparShoshoneBorn: 5/11/2024 Dec. 10/9/2024At the age of 19, the mare, Feldspar, is the mother of another beautiful foal. This one is a dun who looks much like his probable sire, Shoshone. The foal has been named Yellowtail. This is an important name for the area of the Pryor Mountains because of a man named Robert Yellowtail. The name is used for the Yellowtail Habitat through which the Shoshone River flows.
202413YonderUUnknownUnknownFound deceased: 5/26/2024A small dun foal was found deceased on a juniper-covered s Timber Ridge. We do not know who his mother is, nor do we know his cause of death. He was entered into the 2024 Foal List and given a name to preserve a spot in the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse history.
202414YogoMJewelJohanBorn: 5/27/2024 Dec: 7/21/2024It makes perfect sense to name Jewel’s new foal, Yogo. Beautiful Yogo Sapphires are found in the Yogo Gulch of Montana. This makes a connection between Jewel and her new gem! Yogo is a bay with a wide blaze. He and Jewel are with his sire, Johan, along with siblings Violet and Wanderer.
202415YolandaFSophiaTex5/27/2024The mare, Sophia, had a difficult year in 2023 as she lost both her yearling, Wynonna, and her new one, Xota, in May/June of that year. And this year, she has a beautiful little black filly. She has been given the name, Yolanda, simply because it is lovely, feminine name like her mother’s. Yolanda is flashy with her blaze and two hind stockings.
202416Yucatan GoldFLa BravaMiocene5/27/2024 Dec 8/29/2024Yucatan was born to the mare, La Brava, and stallion, Miocene. She was a little beauty with her red dun roan color pattern. She absolutely loved her brothers Ultra Blue and Wrangler. Unfortunately, Yucatan was found deceased at the end of August, most likely due to lion predation.
202417Yeda StarrFRigel StarrSentinel5/31/2024Rigel Starr’s foal was first seen in an unusual place. Sentinel’s band had, for the first time, been spotted just south of the Burnt Timber guzzler, far north of their usual place in the Admin Pasture. The next day the foal and her band was located in a steep, rocky ravine to the east of the guzzler. The foal’s mother, Rigel Starr, kept a good watch on her new foal.
202418Yva (Eva)FVirginia City SueSentinelBorn: 6/7/2024 Dec: 9/16/2024Yva was born to the young mare, Virginia City Sue. For a young filly, she has had a big change in her life. She was born into Sentinel’s band and lived in the mid-elevation areas of Burnt Timber Ridge. Later in the summer, Yva and her mom joined Garcia’s band where she joins her cousin, Yodeler, and aunt Ukulele Lil. This change brought Yva to the mountain regions with rich grass and plenty of water.
202419YantarniMVesuviaIrial6/11/2024The name, Yantarni, continues the volcano theme of this family. He also carries on the rich, dun color of the four-generations in the band from Fool’s Gold – Pele – Vesuvia – Yantarni. He is a handsome dun colt with a distinctive face marking.
202420YvainMTitaniaInniqBorn: 6/11/2024 Dec: 6/19/2024Yvain lived a very short life on Sykes Ridge with his parents, Titania and Inniq, and his brother, Wizard. Like his mother and brother, Yvain was a bright red dun beauty.
202421YuliaFUltimate StarSentinel6/21/2024 Dec 8/2/2024Yulia was born to the mare, Ultimate Star, and stallion, Sentinel. She was a tiny filly who shared that rich bay color with her parents. In early August, we noticed that Yulia was not with the band. Her cause of death is unknown, but certainly could be due to her inability to survive in a very harsh ecosystem.
202422YipMViviannaUnknownBorn: 6/18/2024 Dec: 6/22/2024The story of Yip is short and sad. He was born on June 18 to the young mare, Vesuvia. Almost immediately it was noted that the foal had a cleft front hoof. In the first couple of days, his mother and grandmother surrounded him with love. For reasons unknown, the foal was separated from his mother and was taken in by Quanah’s band. They did try hard to nurture him. But without food and water he did not survive long.
202423YarrowMVioletJohanBorn: 6/23/2024 Dec: 7/21/2024Yarrow lived a short and quiet life on Sykes Ridge with his mother, Violet, in Johan’s band. His life was documented with photos on June 23. A month later, it was discovered that he was gone. Yarrow’s life was a true example of born wild…mostly unseen by human eyes…with a short life surrounded by a loving family.
202424YonaFProsperaMica7/25/2024The name, Yona, means “bear” in a Native American language. This goes along well with her sire’s TCF name, MatoSka which means “silver bear.” Yona is a bright, beautiful red dun filly. It is fun to watch Yona with her big sister, Wind River. The big sister is very attentive to her little sister!
202425YaliFPeleIrial7/26/2024Yali is the second foal born into Irial’s band. This little filly, born to the mare, Pele, looks so much like Yantarni, the colt born earlier to Vesuvia. Yali is a delicate little one, whose name also follows the volcano theme (Yali is a volcano in Greece).
202426Yvonne De CarloFGretaBanjo Paterson8/23/2024Greta’s long-awaited foal was first seen on August 23. The foal is a filly that has been named Yvonne De Carlo. This is a fitting name to go along with the movie star theme of her bloodline starting with Greta Garbo. The filly is dun with a lightning-bolt face marking and two hind socks. Her color is much like her sire, Banjo Paterson.
202427YancyMMorganaHawkBorn: 8/27/2024 Dec: 9/25/2024Morgana’s foal was another long-awaited one who finally arrived in late August. The colt is a beautiful sorrel/chestnut with plenty of chrome…with a bold face marking and flashy white legs. The foal comes from the line of Sir Lancelot…another beautiful sorrel from the Dryhead. The name, Yancy, was given to him to go along with the English theme.
202428YuleFPennJesse JamesFirst seen: 12/26/2024

2024 Foal Photo Gallery: All foals in 2024 have been named with the letter “Y.”